I am using Windows 10 on MacBook Pro laptop, and I used to encounter an overheating problem, sometimes it becomes as hot as fire, to minimize that I've changed some values in power settings for the processor power management node wich obviously reduced the temperature, and extended the battery life markedly, with very little drop in the performance.
The settings are:
From power options in the control panel, change the plan settings for the selected plan, and change the advanced power settings, to match below:
Active system cooling policy means that windows will increase fan speed before attempting to slow the processor.
and for the value of maximum/minimum processor state, you can optimize to meet your requirements, in my case 65% on battery and 75% while plugged in was perfect serves my needs, and instead of having the CPU temperature 105C it is now around 58C.
- I am using Core Temp to measure the CPUs temperature.
The settings are:
From power options in the control panel, change the plan settings for the selected plan, and change the advanced power settings, to match below:
and for the value of maximum/minimum processor state, you can optimize to meet your requirements, in my case 65% on battery and 75% while plugged in was perfect serves my needs, and instead of having the CPU temperature 105C it is now around 58C.
- I am using Core Temp to measure the CPUs temperature.